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Need the Benefits of Thermal Imagery? What You Need to Know About Thermal Cameras

If you've decided to purchase a thermal camera, but you've never used one before, you'll need to understand a few precautionary tips. Thermal cameras aren't quite like the traditional cameras you may be used to. For one thing, they take pictures of heat signatures, rather than clear digital images. If you are curious, here are four tips that will help you get the most use out of your thermal camera. 

Choose the Right Weather Conditions

If you're going to be using your thermal camera outside, you'll need to choose the right weather conditions. Thermal cameras are great for measuring winter snowpack or ice conditions. However, they shouldn't be used under rainy or foggy conditions. Your camera needs optimal conditions to obtain the perfect thermal image. Unfortunately, rain and fog both cause light to scatter, which interferes with thermal imagery. For the best use of your camera, avoid wet or foggy weather conditions. 

Know Which Camera You Need

When it comes to using thermal imagery, you need to know what type of camera to use. Some people think that night vision cameras will provide thermal imagery. However, that's not the case. Thermal cameras and night vision cameras are too different types of technology. One of the main differences between the two is the level of light needed for photography. Thermal cameras can operate in complete darkness since they rely on heat signatures. However, night vision cameras require some type of light source such as the moon. 

Don't Expect to See Through Your Walls

If you're expecting to see through your walls with your thermal camera, you're going to be disappointed. Your thermal camera can give you a thermal reading of what's going on behind your walls, but it can't see through them. Because thermal cameras let you see the thermal activity behind your walls, you can pinpoint problems with your insulation without tearing into your walls. 

Protect Your Camera During Winter Weather

If you're going to be using your thermal camera this winter, you'll need to take steps to protect it from weather-related damage. First, always keep your camera in a carrying case when it's not in use. Second, utilize a wrist strap during use. The wrist strap will prevent you from dropping your camera in snow or water. Finally, wipe your thermal camera down thoroughly after use. Wiping down the camera will remove any moisture or dirt that might be present.
